Hello! I'm Katie and I'm writing the story for this wonderful project. So far it's been incredibly exciting - I love Lucie's designs and Sophie's illustrations. It's magical to see characters and images coming to life. We seem to have a lot of the same interests/tastes, and I've been inspired by many of the things Lucie has been sending me.
Most of the inspirations for the story are coming from working together, and it all seems to be falling into place nicely. Today in between writing moments I've been lost listening to delights such as this (Linking on here doesn't seem to be working):
and getting lost in their world:
(Both links from Lucie!)
I've now written the first drafts of the first two chapters of the story, and I'm getting into the third, which is when we meet the three travelling musicians.
yey i love them! to add a link, dragging and dropping it from another window seems to be the way to make it work x